*Note: I created the most of the tutorials using the Roboblitz and Gears of War editors. Based on the engine, and the version, some properties specified may be in slightly different locations than what is displayed in the screenshots.

If you need to learn how to create a basic map I would reccomend:
For UT99, UT2K3 & UT2K4: the Unreal Wiki.
For UT3: Waylon's Tutorials.

UI - Open Scene

UI Open Scene is used to open or begin a UI scene. UI scenes are a whole massive tutorial themselves so we'll leave this at that for now.

• In accepts a signal.

• Success will output if the scene opens successfully.

• Failed will output if the scene fails to open properly.

• The Scene referenced in the properties is the scene being opened. It can also be referenced by an object reference representing the scene. If the object reference is used, it overrides whatever is in the properties under 'scene'.

• The Opened Scene is not referenced in the properties. The object target becomes the opened scene and can then be acted upon by other kismet items.