*Note: I created the most of the tutorials using the Roboblitz and Gears of War editors. Based on the engine, and the version, some properties specified may be in slightly different locations than what is displayed in the screenshots.

If you need to learn how to create a basic map I would reccomend:
For UT99, UT2K3 & UT2K4: the Unreal Wiki.
For UT3: Waylon's Tutorials.

Attach To Actor

Attach To Actor is used to attach an actor to another actor.

• Create the Attach To Actor Action.

• The 'Target' Object Variable would be the actor that is getting something attached to.

• The 'Attachment' Object Variable would be the actor that is getting attached to the target.

*Note: This same attachment can be done without Kismet. However, sometimes one will need to attach something to something that was not in existence when the level began. This is how to accomplish that.

As one can see in the properties window, it's possible to attach something to a specific bone, detach something, offset and/or rotate the attachment upon attachment. Hard attach keeps the orientation of the attachment with respect to the target